Shaiann Daniels
Friday, December 11, 2009
How to do Selective Colorization using Gimp 2.6
Posted by Off The Hook at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
2012; true or false?
The prophecies regarding 2012 are devastating everyone juvenile enough to believe them. But scientists are trying to scare even the brightest of people, somewhat forcing them to believe these ancient predictions.
Sure, this could be believable if you didn’t think things through. It sounds plausible enough right? Well, just because it’s becoming known throughout the whole world doesn’t make it true.
Nothing regarding 2012 is proven, which should ease ones mind as a fact itself. To make a movie up to 2012 standards takes approximately three or more years. If you think back to when you started hearing everything about December 21st, 2012… you would probably say around three, or fewer, years ago.
Now, when you put that all together, don’t you begin to realize something? It’s possible that the specific date could be the end of days, but nobody can ever prove that…not in this time period. So it’s possible also that the money-driven people began the hoax. Manipulating the Mayan calendar by saying just because it ends on that specific date, they predicted it’s the end of the world. Claiming we should fear the year 2012 when it’s feasible that they made the movie when the world started hearing about this. So the movie could make billions of dollars.
It makes sense, considering a lot of people want to know their “fate” when the year finally arrives. Doesn’t everyone want to know how they can save themselves?
Shaiann Daniels
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Never-Ending Walk
One must ask their self; is our nation truly on the pathway to total equality? We all know the statement “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when” but it seems to be the total opposite in this aspect considering we’re not sure if we will ever be fully equal.
Sure, we have a black president but does that really mean there are not racist Americans out there? Most John McCain supporters were accused of racism, which isn’t necessarily true considering all Americans aren’t democratic but it’s easy to see that some were not falsely accused. When president Obama became the first black democratic nominee, threatening comments inundated the internet. A white supremacist known only as “Rodney” blogged on February 15th posting a foul remark, “OBAMA WILL DIE. KKK FOREVER…The KKK or someone will ASSASINATE Obama.” A second posting from a screen name “amerikkkan” says “The deep south is making plans.”After Mr. Obama was elected president, there were fliers handed out in a neighborhood in Bedford that promotes joining the KKK. In the same neighborhood, a black minister arrived at church to find his church bus covered with racial graffiti. He believes the sudden racism acts sprouted from the inaugural of President Obama.
I’m sure everyone who pays attention to the latest news has heard about the Kanye and Taylor incident. It’s clear that what he did was morally wrong, unethical, and rude but some people took it way too far. Many people twittered, around 300,000, about the occurrence and most of them had some very vulgar notes regarding Kanye. “I really hope I don’t have any black followers and if I do just stop following me. Kanye West is stupid and now I’m racist.” We can understand tweets that say how discourteous Kanye was being when he pulled his little popularity stunt. But to throw around the racist word, like some people were doing, is entirely corrupt. It’s putting them at and below his level.
As we continue our walk to reach equality, those of us who see everyone in the same way must try harder to make up for those of which who carry the racism disease.
Shaiann Daniels
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Invisible Children
They have to live in “the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world today”. These invisible children have been overlooked for the past 23 years.
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Government of Uganda (GoU) have been fighting a war that has left millions of people homeless and some dead. Several Ugandan children are being forced to become child soldiers even when they’re still very young. Some even watch their parents die before their eyes and they have to live with that agony everyday.
It is estimated by the FIC that during the war, between 60,000 and 85,000 Ugandan children were seized and held as child soldiers. They then use them for more than just fighting, including murder, rape, and cannibalism.
However some people do care about these children and they take the time to think about how the war is affecting them.
Andrew Briggs, a former schoolteacher, became a promoter for the tormented children of Uganda. He established an organization called “Freedom in Creation” which helps the children cope with the violence in their everyday lives.
About 65 Ugandan children are a part of this foundation. Therapy is a challenge for these small children of Uganda. It’s harder to get a response out of them so Briggs uses art and music as their means of therapy and healing. Some of these children are very receptive when performing the different things.
Briggs does more than just present the former child soldiers with counseling. He tries to bring safe drinking water to the refugee camps.
Briggs and his accomplice Alex Mejias have an exhibit called “The Story of Freedom” which is what they use to raise awareness and funds in the USA. It is a video which includes some of the actual artwork of the Ugandan children.
As of now, the war is still enduring but this program keeps these young children driving on even after everything they underwent in the recent past.
Shaiann Daniels
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This Is It Review
Ever wonder what it’s like for Michael Jackson? Sure the king of pop has always been a sensation but have you ever stopped to think of what he had to do to become that?
This is it gives you a behind the scenes look on how Michael Jackson prepared for his final curtain call which I believe, if he would have been able to perform it, would have been extraordinary.
The documentary didn’t show Michael at his best, but it did show what it took for Michael to be the best. In the movie, fans could see what Michael had to go through to prepare for the concert. He was phenomenal in his practices although a little slow-paced. As he focused more on the dancing than on the singing during the rehearsals. Many agree that Michael Jackson was an icon, a dancing prodigy, and an amazing singer despite his somewhat high voice. Yet what many don’t know, atleast everyone who has not seen this documentary, is that he is a very down to earth man....literally.
The camera caught him rehearsing “Earth Song” and it showed part of the original video. “Earth Song” was written by Michael to let people know what’s happening in the world around them and that nothing is going to change unless we help. “It’s like the earth has a fever. It’s sick.”
The movie captured Michael in a unique way. When people think of Michael Jackson in his last few years…they usually think of a skinny, pale, man that’s not very healthy. But the documentary showed him performing with all his might and he looked pretty healthy dancing around the stage. He did look really skinny in some points of the videos we were permitted to see but otherwise he looked in good health.
Instead of showing crying eruptions from the dancers and backup singers, the movie showed appealing actions that Michael does to keep his concerts in the ranks.
It shows Michael on a cherry-picker, quite interesting actually, as Michael seems to be having way too much fun. While rehearsing beat it, Michael goes up in the cherry-picker and Ortega makes a comment about going higher. Michael then says, “Why would you tell me that? He’s teasing me. He knows I want to go higher.”
There was a little comedy edge in some other parts other than the cherry-picker scene. Michael was telling his pianist how he could do better and the pianist said “We just gotta put a little booty in it.” Michael started cracking up, repeated the phrase, then laughed some more.
There were a number of quotes that were repeated by Michael throughout the movie. He said “God bless you” after every segment. He was also pretty enthused about letting the songs “simmer” and “sizzle”.
To appreciate this documentary and recognize the full potential, I would say you have got to be a Michael fan. This is highly recommended for the fans but I wouldn’t say it’s a great documentary if you don’t value the King of Pop.
Shaiann Daniels
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:54 AM 0 comments
The Dark Side of the H1N1 Vaccination
H1N1 is sweeping the nation and it scares us, but is it too new to trust the vaccination?
Pregnant women are one of the highest priority groups to get the vaccine yet medical officials are saying that it’s not safe for children under six months of age. That doesn’t make much sense considering the woman is obviously carrying a baby under six months of age. Though they try to make it safer by reducing the mercury count in the vaccinations they give to pregnant women, reports of miscarriages after getting vaccinated for the H1N1 virus were reported all over the nation.
Many parents are arguing against getting their child the vaccination as it is too new and there hasn’t been much research put into it. They’re not worried about their children obtaining swine flu, unless they already have another chronic illness, considering it is easily treatable using common sense and doctor’s aid if necessary.
The shot could be safe, or it could not be. But it’s for you to decide; do the risks outweigh the benefits? Would you risk future effects to get rid of flu-like symptoms in the present-time?
Shaiann Daniels
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
2012 December 21: The End of Days?
Prophet after prophet has predicted it; the ancient Mayans set their colander and even our latest most sophisticated technology is all stamping the same expiration date on creation, December 21st 2012. The most notable of the prophets mentioned above is a name that is familiar to many but to most an empty name dusty from the past, with little meaning. That name is Nostradamus, a physician from the 16th century, who later became a seer of the future some say, who finished a total of 946 centuries of predictions. With a track record that is believed by many to be undeniably accurate, foreseeing World War 2, the fire of London in 1666, The French Revolution, and the reins of both Napoleon and Adolf Hitler. He was even said to have predicted his own death a day before it happened. Now what do you ask has this celebrated prophet prophesied about 2012 well his exact words are complex and hard for the average person to decipher, but according to scholars Nostradamus has predicted the rise of a third Antichrist, and a great famine felt round the world. He also sees great floods ahead and endless drought. This prophecy some say is very near on the horizon linking the flooding and drought to global warming, and the new Antichrist with tyrant dictators and a third world war.
Nostradamus however was not the only one foreseeing such events in the year 2012, the Mayans, as is common knowledge to many Americans ended their calendar on the day of December 21st 2012. Their culture was obsessed with time and the predicting of it. Their calendar, the long count, is so precise that it can calculate the date of a solar eclipse thousands of years after its creators fall in 750 AD. The calendar was devised out of sophisticated mathematics far advanced for the Mayas time; in fact they were the first civilization to conceive the idea of the number 0 centuries before its discovery in Europe. Their advanced culture leads many today to trust in their predictions and believe that the end of the calendar means the end of time itself, and still the foresight doesn’t end there.
Scientists and computer programmers teamed up in the early 90s in the hopes of creating computer software that could track financial trends on Wall Street. They called the program the web bot and it was found to be obscenely accurate. After a time the innovation was put to the test by researchers who wondered if it can predict the future of the finance world why not everything else? They re-visited the program and set it to the test having it answer new more pressing questions. Then in 2001 the web bot project shocked its creators when it predicted a life altering event would occur in 60-90 days it also claimed that this event would be felt world wide. Sadly the program was proved right when the twin towers fell in 9/11/2001. The web bot projects, as is to be guessed predicted a world wide calamity would occur in 2012 and with so many other predictors standing behind it, its claims are by many a confirmation of our impending suffering, and if we travel east the predictions continue.
In the year 2800 BC the “I Ching” or “Book of Changes” was written in China and is revered to this day for its ability to answer questions using 3 three coins that are flipped. They give you answers depending on how they land. Two heads, one tails, two tails one head etc. The outcomes of these coin tosses are then matched to answers that have been pre written in the “I Ching” Oddly enough the answers are usually extremely relevant. Little fuss is made involving China’s Book of Changes though until writer philosopher and ethno-botanist, Terence McKenna began extensively studying the book’s king wen sequence. He then mathematically tracked the book, and created a computer program that output fractal graphs on the rhythm of life or the earth’s “novelty” as Terence calls it. He then looked at the end of the last fractal graph the software would compute and was astounded to see it ended on the year 2012, after this discovery Terence made a prediction deciding that time as we know it would end on December 22 2012 only a day after the end of the Mayan calendar, coincidence, pattern, or is it all in the imagination of the public’s subconscious, scared to death of a random date with no substantial meaning.
To answer that question people are turning to scientists for help sorting it all out and too many of their surprises they’re finding many astronomical events that coincide with ancient predictions. For millennia the Mayans believed in a dark rift in the center of the Milky Way, and just recently scientists have discovered that it does indeed exist. Prior to this discovery much of the scientific community was skeptical of the Mayas, and their dark rift that their culture was obsessed with, but now there is no denying it right smack in the middle of our galaxy is a black hole; a black hole that in the year 2012 the sun and the Earth will come in direct alignment with, and scientists are speculating that magnetic waves could shift as a result and the poles could possibly reverse themselves. This theory isn’t new to the world of science though as Einstein theorized that the poles had already shifted before in the year of 1955. It doesn’t end with the poles however NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has already put out a warning of a solar storm in the year 2012, expected to be second only to the historic solar max of 1958, in which the northern lights could be seen as far away as Rome. A solar storm like the one being predicted emits aurora borealis, and this ejected material can strike satellites disrupt GPS units and telecommunications, expose astronauts and jet passengers to excess radiation, even cause power grids on earth to fail as a result of the massive influx of energy. Graham Hancock has also predicted a planetary alignment will take place that will have gravitational effects on the Earth, on December 23 2009. Stunningly close to the ending date of the Mayan calendar.
What can be made of all of this? Do we really only have about 3 years ahead of us? Well not necessarily. According to modern astronomy we are now in the age of Pisces, which is often associated with self indulgence and greed. Many believe that in 2012 we will transition from our current age back into the Age of Aquarius, a sign that is free flowing with a great deal of self awareness and peace. The last time the earth has seen an age of Aquarius was during Egypt’s great rein in the East over thousands of years ago, when the Nile was described as flowing with honey and wine.
Then again, skeptics are not buying into the idea. As far as they are considered Nostradamus’s predictions were too vague to point to anything significant, The Mayans ended their calendar at a random date with no significance, the web bot is just a computer program that will tell you what the nation already believes, Terence McKenna was a drug abuser with no standing in the realm of science and the astronomy linking it all together is garbage produced by people who want to fuel the publicity.
In the end it’s up to the individual to decide what to believe. So ask yourself this time is December 21st 2012 the end of days?
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:21 AM 2 comments
The Joys of Silent Film Comedians: The Most Famous Names in America
by: Kari Herren
The silent film era ran from 1904-1928. It stays an enigma for many film viewers. Said to be an experimental time before the main event: the “talkies”. The silent film comedians that remain undoubtedly the best known and loved would be Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd.
First up would be, Sir Charles Chaplin (1889-1977) made silent films an art and is still arguably the most important figure in the film industry today. He was discovered by a great slapstick impresario, Mack Sennett and entered the cinema in 1914. His most known character is The Tramp. His character is trying to get to the top of the social ladder and- as we know- fails.Next on the list is, Joseph Frank Keaton VI (1895-1966). Famously known as Buster Keaton, Buster began performing onstage as a child, getting rave reviews at the beginning. He started in his film career in 1917. He was discovered by Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle. He is famous for such titles as: “Sherlock Jr.”, “The general”, and “Three Ages”.
Last, we have Harold Lloyd (1893-1971). For several years during the 1920’s, Harold was the most famous film star. He made more money in those years than Chaplin and Keaton combined. He started his career with Hal Roach as a Chaplin clone. He quickly took on his own risk-taking stunt based act. Lloyd tried out several characters; finally, he found the perfect character for him. Bespectacled go-getter - boyish, sincere, shy, sometimes brash, full of confidence, optimism and gaiety", who "is determined to take the world by its tail. He parodied the American dream of success and burlesqued the young American go-getter.” Quote from Moviemail.
Those are the top three silent film comedians that made silent film history. With lack of sound, they figured a way to make you laugh. Professional mimes they were. Today they are well known around the world. Especially in the film world!
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:20 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Animal Testing Agencies
It’s the talk of the town, does it help? Animal testing is a big discussion topic all over. There are many reasons for testing, cosmetics, medicine, or science. We all have our reasons, but what actually happens to the animals? Animal testing is also considered animal experimentation. It involves animals that are purpose bred, while others are caught or bought from dealers. It is estimated that 50 to 100 million smaller animals are used. This includes many species of worms or flies. While the larger animals are used, they are not shown in the statistics. The research is performed inside universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, defense establishments, and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry. One way to experiment on animals is to test a burn injury. The animal is burned alive and then the scientists remove chunks of the animal’s flesh to provide more study. To measure the amounts of head trauma, the animal is strapped down to a table and multiple blows to the head causing brain damage. And that’s just the beginning.
Many drugs are used on smaller animals, many people who took the anesthetic Methoxyflurane, proved to have kidney failures when in the testing showed none. The arthritis medication Flosint, was fatal when it passed tests on monkeys, rats, and dogs. A cough medicine that was tested on monkeys, and other animals, passed but proved fatal on humans. The cough medicine was called Opren. The Antidepressant, Zelmid caused severe neurological problems when it actually passed tests on rats and dogs with flying colors. Practolol caused blindness in 78 people and killed 23. The animal tested drugs that passed the tests, end up killing or severely harming humans, 61% of the time.
Humans and animals are completely different from one another in many ways; physiologically, metabolically, antomically, genetically, and psychologically. For example, we deposit plaque which is fatty acids in our blood vessels, rodents deposit in their liver. We also have a gall bladder when rats do not. Cats do not have an enzyme that disables them to break down the pain reliever, ibuprofen The list just goes on and on.
Animal tests can not be used to test for different animals. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University tested similarities between rats and mice, and found that only 30% of the time, a drug that cures a disease in rats cures the same disease in mice. Animal testing is only good for that animal that is being tested on. The only true scientific model for a rat is another rat. Likewise, the only true scientific model for a human is another human. There are between 25 and 50 billion animals killed in laboratories each year. That doesn’t even include those that have not died. The animals that are still being tested on, the one’s that have an impairment due to the tests. If the tests don’t work on humans the way the do on animals, then why do we still pay for it to be performed?
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dangerous Message-The Dangers of Texting and Driving
Texting while driving is very difficult to pull off, and when a mistake is made, it can be deadly. In fact, experts say that when using a cell phone while driving, you are four times more likely to get into an accident.
A YouTube video, made in UK, shows four teenage girls getting into a head on crash because of a cell phone. The image cuts to the other car that was hit head on, and shows a child wondering why her parents are not waking up. Back to the teens, the passenger and driver exchanged a dazed glance, covered in blood, just before a third car smashes into the passenger side. The driver is the only one left alive, as the video captures her being airlifted to the nearest hospital. The accident scene is extremely graphic, and many people have wondered if the images are too much.
Although the scene is very detailed, showing the girls’ heads snapping back and forth and blood splattering the car, there is a purpose. The Gwent Police Department in Wales produced this video to warn teens of the dangers of texting while driving. The video is stunning and hard to watch at points, but it definitely puts the real risk of texting while driving into perspective.
Click here to watch the video
After watching the dangers of texting and driving, what is your opinion? Would you still text and drive? What are your reasons?
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Sit Down with the First Lady of the World
An interview with Eleanor Roosevelt by: Hannah Fernandez
Hannah- Good afternoon, she was known as “The First Lady of the World”, and I have the pleasure to sit down with her. Ms. Roosevelt, thank you for taking the time to sit down with me.
E. Roosevelt- It’s my pleasure.
Hannah- How has being married to Franklin D. Roosevelt helped you to become more involved in politics?
E. Roosevelt- Since he was struck with poliomyelitis, I have become his eyes and ears, and his tireless reporter. It allowed me to become part of the women’s division of the State Democratic Committee, and to go on “tours” around the country.
Hannah- You mentioned the “tours”, what were you doing exactly on these “tours”?
E. Roosevelt- Well, I was giving my opinion. Since I am the first lady, I wanted to be involved, and not just the stay at home wife. I was giving press conferences, lectures, doing radio broadcast, and I let my opinions know to the rest of America thro “My Day”, a daily newspaper column.
Hannah- Wow that is an amazing way to spend your life. When you were first married to FDR how was your life compared to now?
E. Roosevelt- It was a fairly quite life; I of course had my kids. Six of them to be exact. “I suppose I was fitting pretty well into the pattern of a fairly conventional, quiet, young society matron.”
Hannah- As many of us know, you have become very dedicated to the struggle of Human Rights. What made you decide to work so actively with that cause?
E. Roosevelt- I have chosen this to be my dedication because, it’s what we need to be worried about. If we can’t take care of our own nation, how do you expect us to be able to take care of other nations’ issues?
Hannah- When and why did you decide to talk about this to the public?
E. Roosevelt- I have chosen to discuss it in the early days of the General Assembly in Paris, France, because the issue of human liberty is decisive for the settlement of outstanding political differences and for the future of the United Nations.
Hannah- How did you feel about not being a scholar or an expert on international law help you push forward with the work you were doing for the UN?
E. Roosevelt- I didn’t let it stop me, I simply stayed enthusiastic, and I let my faith lead me, so, I could stay rooted in my humanitarian work. I often sad that “I was out of place among so many academics and jurists.”
Hannah – Many people see the things that you do for people all over the world, what do you think you biggest accomplishment is?
E. Roosevelt- "As for accomplishments, I just did what I had to do as things came along."
Hannah- It has been my pleasure, and I’m sure that I will be seeing you soon.
E. Roosevelt- The pleasure is all mine, and I know I’ll be seeing you too.
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: Interview for Parabolab
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In His Cleats; An Interview with Mo Odour
Mo Odour is a semi-proffesional soccer player, currently a starter, co-captain, and most valuable player for the Harrisburg City Islanders. He is from Africa, and has started for the Kenyan National team.
Q: What was it like moving from Kenya, Africa, to the U.S? How old were you when you came over?
A: It was very exciting for me. I always wanted and dreamt of coming to the U.S and when I got offered a scholarship to play soccer at University of Charleston you can imagine how pumped I was. I was 20 years old and I knew it was going to be difficult adjusting to life on my own in a foreign country, but I was ready for the challenges that came along with moving away from my family.
Q: What is the culture in Kenya like?
A: Since there are more than 40 different communities or "tribes", Kenyan culture is very diverse and rather fascinating with each group exhibiting its own unique culture. The culture is based more on old tradition but is becoming increasingly influenced by Western cultures.
The most popular culture that attracts a huge interest from tourists is exhibited by the "Maasai" people who have stuck to their old traditions and beliefs with very little influence if any from the western cultures.
Q: What position did you play in college? What was it like to win an All-American title as a sophomore? What did you major in at college?
A: I majored in Business Administration.
I was a central defender in college and I never thought I would play anywhere else but that changed when I joined the Islanders where I play midfield. To be selected All American as a sophomore was a big deal since it meant I was one of the top college players at that time. It also attracted interest from several top division one colleges like Wake Forest, UCLA, James Madison, VCU and URI. In the end I decided to join Furman University a top 10 division one school at that time where I played with current U.S national team players Clint Dempsey and Ricardo Clark.
Q: Do you keep in touch with relatives and friends still in Kenya?
A: I definitely still keep in touch with my family and since I have been here for a long time, I have lost contacts with most of my friends in Kenya.
Q: Before you came to the U.S, you played for the under 20 Kenyan national team. What was it like playing for them? How is that different from playing here?
A: It felt great knowing I was representing my country in something that I loved doing. You can imagine how much attention we attracted all over the country with soccer being the number one sport there. Roads would be blocked for us and would be given police escort with their sirens on when we were going to games, so it felt pretty special and it’s an experience I will never forget.
Q: Your number is 19, is there a reason why?
A: I just randomly got number 19 when I joined the Islanders.
Q: How did you begin playing soccer, what started your career?
A: My dad used to play and coach soccer, so I had to get into it because he loved playing with me and my brother when he was home. He also took me to watch soccer games with him and I just fell in love with the sport.
Q: In your career, have you ever had to overcome any injuries? If so, was it hard to work through it?
A: I have been very fortunate because I haven’t had any major injuries (knock on wood) that have kept me out for a long time.
Q: Who are your favorite musicians? (American or African)
A: Since I like different kinds of music, I have quite a few but my top ones are Bob Marley, Ijahman Levi, Gregory Isaacs all reggae musicians.
Q: How do you like to relax?
A: I relax by watching soccer on TV and reading about soccer stuff online.
Q: Do you have any hobbies besides soccer?
A: Playing poker, surfing the net, swimming, oh wait a minute I can’t swim, so knock that off my hobbies.
Q: What do you plan to do after you are retired?
A: After I retire from playing, I plan on getting involved in college soccer as a coach
Q: Are you and Brian Ombiji good friends? How did you know each other?
A: We are very good friends and so were our families. We grew up in the same neighborhood, and actually his dad coached me when I was in high school.
Q: Did you have a lot of spare time left to studying/playing soccer for fun in college?
A: I had enough time especially after the soccer season.
Q: What advice do you have for any players hoping to work their way up like you?
A: Work hard and have self belief and confidence in whatever you do
Q: Is the City Islanders like family to you?
A: City Islanders have been like family to me ever since I moved to Harrisburg. I have met a lot of people who have become very close because of the bonds built while working together as a team in trying to accomplish common goals
Q: Who was your idol when you were younger? Why?
A: My idol was Diego Maradona who is arguably the best ever soccer player to have graced the game.
Q: What is your favorite sports brand? (Adidas, Nike, puma, etc.)
A: Nike
Q: Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
A: No pets, but I used to have a dog when I was growing up in Kenya
Q: You were a co-captain of the city islanders. What was that like?
A: It was an honor to be regarded as one of the leaders and a model especially for rookies who looked up to me
Q: Are you currently coaching any soccer teams?
A: I am the Technical trainer for Gettysburg Youth Soccer club, so I do a lot of coaching for all GYSC travel teams
Allie Mack
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Interview for Parabolab
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Clara Bow parabalab interview
Shintelle: Good morning everyone and welcome back! Today we have a special treat for you! The infamous Clara Bow, thanks to the back breaking work of scientists who’s names are confidential, has been brought back to the world of the living, and brought to this studio for an interview! Good morning Clara!
Clara: Well thank you Shintelle, it’s a pleasure to be here.
Shintelle: Yes, and for any of you who might not know Clara Bow was one of the most prominent silent film stars of the 1920’s.
Clara: That’s right.
Shintelle: Now Clara, many of our viewers are interested to know, how did you a poor girl from Brooklyn New York like yourself, find her way to the red carpet of Hollywood?
Clara: *clears throat* Well it’s no secret that I didn’t have a perfect childhood and you know no one does. My father wasn’t the type to be interested in a wife or children, he was a wastrel, and my mother was constantly entertaining the visiting firemen and uncles, she had an illness you know, and I could never bring anyone over…
Shintelle: That must have been hard for a young girl growing up.
Clara: I got by fine, and it’s what really got me interested in the movie pictures. I would just sit in front of the mirror and imitate all my favorite actors. I was like any other little girl dreaming about being a movie star.
Shintelle: Well then, what set you apart from the other pretty girls your age? I mean the competition had to be brutal.
Clara: Well I suppose there was competition but I was very lucky.
Shintelle: Of course you were I mean how was it that you got your name out there? A contest?
Clara: Oh yes, I entered many beauty competitions, but the one that finally called me the winner was the Fame and Fortune contest in Motion Picture magazine. I borrowed 50¢ off my father to enter.
Shintelle: Ah I thought that was the title. In fact I have a quote from the magazine right here. “She is very young, only 16. But she is full of confidence, determination and ambition. She is endowed with a mentality far beyond her years. She has a genuine spark of the divine fire. The five different screen tests she had, showed this very plainly, her emotional range of expression provoking a fine enthusiasm from every contest judge who saw the tests. She screens perfectly. Her personal appearance is almost enough to carry her to success without the aid of the brains she indubitably possesses.”
Clara: Yes the people at the magazine were very supportive of me, and as part of the prize I was promised my very first part in a motion picture.
Shintelle: Hm that’s right and, what was it called Beyond the Rainbow I didn’t remember seeing you in that one.
Clara: That would be because they cut my sequence out; I didn’t show up on film until Down to the Sea in Ships. $35 dollars a week, and back then that was worth working for, but to tell you the truth I would have worked for a nickel a day for the chance to act.
Shintelle: Well, I think most people would, I mean to do what they love.
Clara: Yes, and for my next two pictures I featured in I was unbilled for.
Shintelle: Really? Do you mean The Enemies of Women, and The Daring Years?
Clara: Yes, those were the two, during the filming of The Enemies of Women was when my mother died she never got to see it.
Shintelle: That’s tragic, I’m sorry to hear that.
Clara: So was I, But my career really took off after that, and it wasn’t until sound came into the movies that my place in Hollywood vanished.
Shintelle: Well why was that?
Clara: Well as you can obviously tell, I have a very thick Brooklyn accent. This proved as a handy cap in the newer movies.
Shintelle: Well Clara I don’t see a problem with your accent and I’m afraid that that’s all the time we have here. Thank you for allowing us to speak with you, and let’s say goodbye to the audience.
Clara: It was a pleasure to be here.
Shintelle: See you all next time!
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: Interview for Parabolab
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kelly Mc Master’s Interview with Heath Ledger:
Kell: Good Morning everyone! Kell McMaster with you today to introduce a new guest; with the recent studies now a day, scientists have worked all they could to bring Mr. Heath Ledger back from the dead and for an interview today!
Audience: Whoo!
Kell: Well, hello Mr. Ledger, it’s good to see you.
Heath: Please Miss McMaster, call me Heath.
Kell: Okay Heath, please, you may call me Kell.
Heath: Such a beautiful name Kell.
Kell: Why thank you Heath. Back to the interview; When were you born?
Heath: I was born April fourth nineteen-seventy-nine in a little town called Perth, in Western Australia.
Kell: Did you have children?
Heath: Yes I did Kell, I had a beautiful little girl named Matilda.
Kell: Aw, how adorable.
Heath: Thank you.
Kell: Now before you died, what movie where you currently doing?
Heath: I was doing “Batman; the Dark Knight”.
Kell: What part where you?
Heath: I was the joker.
Kell: Very interesting, what did the doctor’s say you died from?
Heath: They found me in my apartment in January, the doctor’s examined me, and decided that it was an accidental overdose.
Kell: I’m sorry Heath, well if it’s any consolation, we all miss you.
Heath: Thank you Kell, I miss everyone too!
Kell: That’s all the time we have for now. Thank you Heath Ledger for coming and talking with us!
Heath: And thank you Kell! Good night, and Good Bye!
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Interview for Parabolab
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mock interview
Block 1
Charlie Chaplin
Kari: Hello. Thank you for coming out here on this glorious evening to do an interview with us.
Charlie: It is my pleasure.
Kari: To begin, what is your favorite quote that you find yourself saying all the time?
Charlie: I think that would have to be, “A man is what a woman makes him and a woman makes herself.”
Kari: Haha, that is true. What do you believe to be you favorite movie and why?
Charlie: That would have to be The Kid. Because I had a great time with Jackie Coogan and that film was also inspired be a tragedy in my life.
Kari: May I ask what that tragedy was?
Charlie: Yes you may. It was when I was with Mildred Harris, she gave birth to a malformed boy and he died three days later.
Kari: I’m sorry to hear that. What was the worst part of your childhood?
Charlie: I remember it very clearly. The day I had to put my mother into an “institute”. She yelled at me, “Don’t let them take me away from you!” I remember that day as if it happened only yesterday.
Kari: How did the making and producing of the films effect you?
Charlie: Well, most days I am working all night and I get caught up into it. I have to get it done.
Kari: You’re very determined. Okay, you were in theatre. How did you get started in the business?
Charlie: Mother usually brought me to the theatre at night in preference to leaving me alone in rented rooms.
Kari: Was that often of her to take you along?
Charlie: Yes. I loved going to the theatre with her as often as I could.
Kari: How much money did you make in a year?
Charlie: By 1916, just two years after appearing in my first motion picture, I had become the most famous entertainer in the world. Buoyed by my enormously successful comedies for Keystone and Essanay, I was offered the largest salary ever extended to a motion picture star—$670,000 for a single year’s work.
Kari: That is a lot of money! Well, thank you for the interview Charlie. Hope to talk to you soon.
Charlie: You’re very welcome. Good bye.
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Interview for Parabolab
Friday, September 25, 2009
Starting Off Strong: Cross Country

Colby Frantz, a former wrestling coach who recently moved from Delaware, has been given the head coaching job for the Cross Country team. Although he has never coached Cross Country before, Frantz has experience as a runner.
When asked about the challenge of transitioning from coaching the sport of wrestling to Cross Country, Frantz says that “the transition was and is a tough one. For one, in wrestling you are coaching boys, mostly, and they react differently to a certain type of motivation; that is, yelling. But in Cross Country, you are coaching boys and girls and yelling won't work the same, as a matter of fact it may work the opposite. However, coaching is coaching and there are many things that apply the same in both sports, such as pushing athletes to achieve things that they didn't believe they could achieve. The same amount of coaching preparation goes into both sports.”
Pushing his athletes to their highest possible achievements is just what he plans to do, hoping to set them on the track to improving their times. His plan for summer training was to “get the hard part out of the way” so that the rest of the season can be maintaining speed.
Frantz says that his goals for the season are “to build at first, increasing the speed and distance, and then maintain with speed and rest for the duration of the competition season.”
Although the legendary Jordan Jenkins is gone, Frantz still thinks highly of his team. When asked for his opinion, he says, “I think my new team is awesome! They are the best group of individuals with whom I have worked. And that is saying a lot because I have worked with many groups and teams in my life. These athletes and young adults are maturing everyday and they are working very hard. They have a goal and dream to improve at what they do. Their strength lies in their ability to work as a team and be there for each other. Their weakness lies in the lack of belief in themselves sometimes. The personalities run the spectrum and I enjoy talking to each one of them for different reasons.”
When speaking to his runners, Frantz tells them that it isn’t where they place that matters, it’s how hard they try. He also tells them that he believes in every single runner, and that he never thought the runners couldn’t be good. He wants them all to have the “hearts of champions”.
As meets are underway for the school season, the Cross Country team is still working to improve times. Through two meets, runners did not do as well as was expected of them individually or as well as Coach Frantz hoped they would do. Frantz says that the runners are too hard on themselves. “The last two meets were tough ones but there were a lot of positives that came out of those meets. Almost all runners had their personal best at the first race, and many improved at the second race as well. I think the most important thing is to let them know that they all did their best and that we will get back to work with new goals to meet.”
That is exactly what the team plans to do. With two meets behind them, the runners set goals to look to improve their times, since every competitive runner knows – every second counts.
Allison Mack
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Monday, September 21, 2009
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:15 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Music Video's for the Music Poll
In case you didn't know some of those songs, here are the music videos for them.....
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:07 AM 0 comments
New Music Poll
Here's a music poll to see what kind of students like what....
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Dear Tipsy Cups,
I don’t believe you ruined you chance. If he understands that it was an accident, it shouldn’t be a problem. Just give it a day and call him up. Try to put the evening it happened into the conversation. Just see what he says.
Good luck,
Mary Smith
Dear Mary Smith,
I saw this really cute guy, my friend, at a restaurant the other day. We ate together and talked, and had a good time. But when we got up to leave, I hit my soda with my arm, and it spilled all over his shirt and pants. We were both thoroughly embarrassed and left quickly after that. I even thought that he might ask me out! Did I ruin my chance?
Yours Truly,
Tipsy Cups
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:54 AM 0 comments
What do you think on the ecosystem?
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:50 AM 0 comments
What's up After School?
How are youth leaders striving to create a positive, drug-free community here in Adams County? Hi, my name is Hannah and I am one of the youth leaders striving to make a difference.
This summer I was one of a group of 24 8th, 9th and 10th grade youths from the 6 school districts of Adams County who traveled to Fort Indiantown Gap for a 5-day leadership camp. The camp was provided by Collaborating for Youth in partnership with the Pennsylvania National Guard Counterdrug Program. The purpose of the camp was to learn how to find or improve the leader in ourselves so that we could work toward improving the environment for youths in our area. We led various activities that included GPS geo-caching, an obstacle course, a leadership reaction course, and group brainstorming on ways to better our community. The activities gave us a chance to practice leadership traits such as initiative, tact, unselfishness, endurance, bearing and enthusiasm. Leadership Camp also gave us a chance to build a network of youth leaders from all over the county, to work together on creating a better community.
One opportunity at Leadership Camp was getting to meet the White House “Drug Czar,” Mr. Gil Kerlikowske, and discuss drug issues facing teens so that he could report back to President Obama. Our group voiced ideas such as making people more aware of the issues through media messages, getting celebrities to join the fight for drug-free communities, and encouraging youths to take a stand for the cause.
This camp was a great experience and showed that you have to work at leadership; it is just not handed to you. Our roles as youth leaders are very important. If we want our future country to be humane, resourceful and to do great things to create the desired global peace, then we need to take the step towards it today. At this camp, I felt that the training that was provided empowered me to go back home and do something.
Many other youths are involved in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, United Way, FFA, and the NAACP, and they are doing their part towards initiating positive and involved communities’ nation wide and in Adams County. Others, who are involved at the county level with Collaborating for Youth, meet up with liaisons of different organizations that try and help improve the community. They have also participated at Carroll Valley’s National Night Out, and are working on a networking website for the youth leaders to discuss and support each other’s ideas. As members of the CFY Youth Coalition we are able to work nationally and regionally with other anti-drug coalitions. With the help of these programs and organizations in the community, kids are starting to help make a difference.
Youth leaders have already taken at least one small step to reach their goals to improve their community. Now, it’s your turn to help us! Call 338-0300 ext. 26 today for more information.
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:44 AM 0 comments
The almost-over Run
Two years ago, in 2007, at Gettysburg high-school, the sun was shining, and it was hotter than ninety degrees. As runners crossed the finish line of their three miles, they would collapse of heat exhaustion and dehydration into a waiting volunteer’s arms.
One year ago, in 2008, at Gettysburg invitational, thousands of runners raced to the finish in the pouring rain to start the massive invitational. Runners slipped and slid their way through the race, up and down hills.
This year, in 2009, it was a perfect day to run, warm, but not hot. But Gettysburg high school was completely barren of runners and their loyal fans. Thousands of Cross Country runners from all over were disappointed to find out that the invitational was cancelled due to the lack of funding, and increasing number of participants.
As more teams show up from all over, Gettysburg can barely fund the T-shirts and concession stand for the race. Gettysburg plans to pick up the invitational next year, minimizing the number of teams, and lowering their funds for the next race.
Although Gettysburg was cancelled, that did not stop some teams from competing in season opener races. A few teams traveled out of state, to compete in New York and New Jersey, while other teams stayed close, competing in road races such as Littlestown’s 5K run.
Allison Mack
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Dear Mary Smith,
I met this French exchange student yesterday. He tried to speak to me in French because I said Bonjour, but the problem is that I don’t know any French. I turned bright red and ran away. I think he knows a little English, but not enough to carry on a conversation.
Clueless of French
Dear Clueless of French,
I understand your “fear” in the situation. Since he is an exchange student he should understand some English. Try to tell him you don’t know French and ask for a study session so you could learn. It would be a great way to hit it off.
Hope everything works out,
Mary smith
Posted by Off The Hook at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Dear Readers,
I am Mary Smith, this is the advice column of our blog. If you wish to ask me a question, just comment this blog post. You can send in anything your little heart desires to I will give you my advice on that subject a.s.a.p. I hope to be of assistance. Enjoy!
Mary Smith
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
By: Kelly McMaster
Lights flash and police sirens sound. You wake up to a loud banging on your door. You open it up and there are three officers knock you to the ground. Someone has called the police saying using your voice saying that you have a daughter and her father, and if you don’t have your demands, you will kill them and yourself.
That person would be John Deffano. He is, a 14 year old blind boy who has had so much hate for the world that he takes his vengeance on other people calling the police on them.
John has an incredible gift. All you have to do is have him listen to your voice one time, and he can imitate it right away without a problem. John gets on free phone chat lines and he’s known by ‘Lil Hacker’. He’s part of a gang called the ‘phreaks’. And they prank call the police posing as those they are trying to get back at.
In the gang “Phreaks”, which was over the phone completely, John would get on an free phone chat line and force people to have phone sex with him. If they refused, he would call the police to their house. This is called “Swatting”. When FBI agent Kevin Kolbye was asked on his views he had this to say, “Prank calling in my day was ordering a pizza to a neighbor’s house. Nowadays, it’s this.”
Posted by Off The Hook at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Book Feature of The Month
by: Kari Herren
Book title: Creepshow
Author: Stephen King
Description: Creepshow is a comic book consisting of 5 stories. There is something alive after 134 years in The Crate from an Arctic expedition. It happens to be a monster that it's just like a cartoon. Well it's widely known that "Tasmanian devil's" can not take a joke, especially when they were captured and locked away since June 19, 1834. Will Mike Latimer and Charlie Gereson find out the hard way why this monstrosity only appears in their comic book?
[On the right is the theatrical poster. It was produced int o a movie in November 12, 1982.]
Posted by Off The Hook at 4:53 AM 1 comments