Monday, December 7, 2009

The Never-Ending Walk

One must ask their self; is our nation truly on the pathway to total equality? We all know the statement “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when” but it seems to be the total opposite in this aspect considering we’re not sure if we will ever be fully equal.
Sure, we have a black president but does that really mean there are not racist Americans out there? Most John McCain supporters were accused of racism, which isn’t necessarily true considering all Americans aren’t democratic but it’s easy to see that some were not falsely accused. When president Obama became the first black democratic nominee, threatening comments inundated the internet. A white supremacist known only as “Rodney” blogged on February 15th posting a foul remark, “OBAMA WILL DIE. KKK FOREVER…The KKK or someone will ASSASINATE Obama.” A second posting from a screen name “amerikkkan” says “The deep south is making plans.”After Mr. Obama was elected president, there were fliers handed out in a neighborhood in Bedford that promotes joining the KKK. In the same neighborhood, a black minister arrived at church to find his church bus covered with racial graffiti. He believes the sudden racism acts sprouted from the inaugural of President Obama.
I’m sure everyone who pays attention to the latest news has heard about the Kanye and Taylor incident. It’s clear that what he did was morally wrong, unethical, and rude but some people took it way too far. Many people twittered, around 300,000, about the occurrence and most of them had some very vulgar notes regarding Kanye. “I really hope I don’t have any black followers and if I do just stop following me. Kanye West is stupid and now I’m racist.” We can understand tweets that say how discourteous Kanye was being when he pulled his little popularity stunt. But to throw around the racist word, like some people were doing, is entirely corrupt. It’s putting them at and below his level.
As we continue our walk to reach equality, those of us who see everyone in the same way must try harder to make up for those of which who carry the racism disease.
Shaiann Daniels